Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Rainbow Tale

"It's about four pounds," pronounced Dave as he reeled in, somewhat lazily, what he thought was a relatively meager trout.
Bucktailing for Gerrards on Kootenay
Grant giving Dave some encouragement as he lackadaisically
plays his Gerrard rainbow.
Given that the potential size of Kootenay Lake Gerrard Rainbow can reach up to 30 pounds, this trout`s somewhat less than vigorous response to inhaling one of Dave`s hand-tied polar bear bucktails left us all a little quizzical and confused. Little did we know what was actually hooked at the end of the line.

The rod tip had bounced decisively and the line broke loose of the planer board clip just as the fisherman pulled the rod from the holder and began tentatively to  turn the large arbour reel, trying to gauge with what conviction the trout was stealing line.
Rainbows can be deceiving. If it's not an immediate line screamer, it is often difficult to judge the size and veracity of a monster trout. At times the rainbow will swim toward the boat or come in serenely without protestation, guided by the tug of the hook on its lip, conserving energy until it spies the boat - when it will explode into the depths like a demon bound for hell.