Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fly-fish-BC Photo Gallery

The wonderful thing about fly fishing is that it gives one an opportunity to experience the hidden beauty of the natural world which often translates into some great photo ops. I've added a couple new galleries on my website's Photo Gallery page but I'll add some photos here that I just took yesterday.

Good friend Larry Connel and I were up the Pend d'Oreille chasing smallmouths, when this massive eagle took flight just a few feet away from us. It surprised us both as we were concentrating a little too intensely on the bass. Amazed at the sheer size and proximity, I dropped my fly rod and began shooting as it settled into the top of a nearby tree.

The fishing was good as usual but it's the presence of wild things in wild places that makes for an unforgettable trip. The last time I was here a cow moose crossed the river just ahead of us, not to mention the many deer, elk, bears, and variety of birds I've come across in the past. You just never know - so, like a good boyscout, I try to "be prepared".

I have forgotten my camera many times in the past and almost always regretted it. I try now to never leave without it, batteries fully charged, empty cards, and clean lenses but of course just last week I left it at home when Colin and I had a great day on the Salmo River - such is life.

Thanks for a good day Larry - I hope you and Dorothy enjoyed the fillets.

If you're interested remember to be a follower or at least check in once in a while and say Hi.

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